What are people saying about the Dolphin Neurostim OTC?

I have suffered for many years with chronic pain due to Migraine Headaches and Fibromyalgia. Yet, I am a busy person with a family and a full-time job outside of the home. I find it difficult to find enough time for myself to attend any form of therapy. As well, I have used the Dolphin unit for only 10 days, and I am finding great benefits. The unit is portable and effective- the results are almost instantaneous for pain associated with Fibromyalgia. My use of medications has been reduced quite noticeably, and I feel this, in itself, is a very important benefit. I look forward to continued and increasing benefits with use of the unit over time.

Pain levels before Dolphin 6-7
Pain levels after Dolphin 1 - 2
Pain levels after 1 week of using Dolphin 1 - 2
This product is amazing. I am excited to use it on various aches and pains. I'm still in the learning process. Have already told numerous people about this wonderful product.
Thank you!!

I am an occupational therapy assistant. I suffered with headaches for 16 years following an automobile accident. The headaches were constant, my scalp was hypersensitive to touch and my left eye lid twitched most of the time. My co-worker and OT supervisor, Kelly Armstrong, introduced me to MPS. Kelly explained this modality and told me that treatment may help reduce the suffering I had dealt with for the past 16 years. Nothing I tried had ever helped and I had my mind made up that this MPS would not help either. I attended the introductory course in Atlanta, GA and received my first scar release protocol. The reconstructive surgery I needed left me with a scar on top of my head from ear to ear. This scar intersects with another that was the result of emergency brain surgery only 8 days before facial reconstruction. When the first treatment was over I felt different but that was about it. Kelly performed another scar release days later. The strange feeling I experienced after that was no pain. The MPS protocol for scar release saved the quality of my life. I am so very thankful for this modality, caring clinicians like my friend Kelly and the new tool I have in my treatment skills bag. I use the MPS daily and see the difference it makes in my life and in the lives of others.

I have had numerous Doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and massage therapists confirm my fibro. I also started seeing extensively the Chiropractor in Bonita in Oct, Nov, and Dec three times per week 2014 which blessed me with the amazing technology of the Dolphin Neurostim. I have seen no Doctor, Chiropractor, physical or massage therapist since attending the classes and receiving my Neurostim. I take no medicine. I am 98% pain free if I use my device daily and throughout the day. It goes to work with me. I don't need the foot surgery that the podiatrist insisted I would need and would require me to be off work for up to three months for each foot for bunion surgery.
To live life without constant pain in my feet, knees, low back, wrists, elbows, and shoulders is amazing. Allergy symptoms are better. I have better quality sleep. No migraines. It is amazing my quality of life improvement with the use of this portable hand held tens unit that gives negative, bi-polar, and positive current. But, it is mostly negative that I use that treats my pain areas. I believe every family in America should have one. Thank you. God Bless. "joyful" Jolene.

I purchased the device a while back. At the time my wife's hearing was at a level that she could not understand what was being said on the TV when the volume was loud enough for everyone else in the room.
Doctors chalked up her hearing impairment up to a very severe car accident 13 years ago. Nothing could be done to help her. I started with the points related o deafness from the manual. We treated these points three times a day, stimulating each point for 60 seconds.
After the fifth day she asked me why I got rid old the old alarm clock on our bed. She woke up during the night and could hear the new one ticking. It was the same old clock. We can now watch TV together and both feel comfortable. After about 15 days we cut the treatments to twice a day, and now we do it once a day.

I am using the Acumed Needlefree acupuncture machine to treat pain and other problems caused by my medical condition - Post Polio Syndrome and injuries from a motor vehicle accident. Prior to my discovery of the Dolphin unit, I was taking 2 types of pain killers, 3 times a day restricting my activities in order to have some measure of comfort. I was also struck by a car and knocked out of my wheelchair causing injuries to my lower and mid back as well as to my neck. While in Physiotherapy I was introduced to the machine as an alternative method of controlling the discomfort, and since that time I have been able to stop taking pain medication altogether. I am now feeling more comfortable and drug free, I no longer feel sluggishness taking them produces. Thank you again for the wonderful "Magic" machine!

I was introduced to Acumed and the device while visiting my sister in Toronto. I had severe neck pain and was almost unable to find a comfortable position for my head in bed. I was telling my sister about it and she said "I can fix that for you". She proceeded to give me a treatment for Neck Pain, the pain left shortly but I needed another treatment the next day; and that one lasted all week. I also had a miserable headache at the same time, and was given a treatment for that as well, and the headache was gone after a few minutes. After the second treatment, I decided to buy my own device. After receiving it, I only had to do a few neck treatments at longer and longer intervals. Now I have not had to do one for several months.
I want to thank you for all the relief that I have gotten from the Dolphin, it certainly has been a blessing.

In March of this year I was in such pain in my neck and shoulder area, because of degenerative disc disease, that I had consulted a Neurosurgeon and we were at the point of scheduling a fusion of two discs in my neck. Needless to say that I was terrified at the prospect, having been warned there was a risk of paralysis, and seeing your Ad for the Dolphin Device, I decided in desperation - and with my surgeons approval- to give it a try. It has proven such a success that I am no longer considering surgery and my pain has lessened to an extent that life is much more free and pleasant for me.
I also use the Dolphin to treat arthritis, fibromyalgia and low back pain and have experienced a gratifying degree of relief for all conditions.
I have been recommending to friends and acquaintances that before resorting to drastic measures, they give the Dolphin Neurostimulator a try.

Following a long history of falls and other injuries to my knees, I was diagnosed with severe Osteoarthritis of the knees. I underwent Arthroscopic surgery on my right knee in late March and was scheduled to have the same procedure on my left knee in the fall. Due to post surgical hemorrhage I was enduring more pain and less mobility than before the surgery. As a result the surgeon was preparing to put me on a waiting list for knee replacement surgery after my scheduled check up in September.
After a friend let me use her Dolphin machine I decided to order one for my own use. By combining the use of the Dolphin along with appropriate exercises under the guidance of my Physiotherapist, I have become virtually pain-free and am walking with a normal gait (and no cane). I am no pain medication. The surgeon was quite surprised by my recovery and doesn't want to see me for another year at least.
Thanks for making such a useful machine available at an affordable price. I highly recommend the unit to anyone who is experiencing chronic pain, no matter what the source.

When I was 19 years old I came down with a chronic illness called Crohn's Disease. This is an inability of the small intestine to absorb food into the body properly. I started to get arthritis in my right ankle and went up into my lower back. By the age of 24 I was limping as if I had my hips replaced and need extra support just to walk up the bus' stairs.
My parents had come across the electronic acupuncture machine and had given it to me along with the book of acupuncture points. I tried it out and felt initial good vibrations. I cannot say that the pain was gone at first but I did have a very positive sensation in the pain area. I started to acupuncture myself 3 times daily. My limp started to lessen within one week of starting the treatments. Within one month I was pain free. I kept on with the treatments for a few months and then lessened the treatments as no pain had come back.
Since using this machine I have been able to keep a steady job, go back to school part time, and have a normal life. Even my chronic disease does not bother me to the extent of needing medication.

After a number of treatments with the Dolphin device, it became apparent that this was the only thing that would treat my pains and aches instantaneously and offer hours of relief for only a few seconds of treatment.
What a treat when my physiotherapist and my medical doctor prescribed me with the Dolphin Neurostim device to use at home. I carry it everywhere I go! I use it mid day, in the office twice, morning and evening at home, or wherever the pain is triggered, it only takes a few second before I find comfort. Since I started to use this unit, I have cut my physiotherapy treatments from 4 times a week to 2 times a week. My Physio says that I have progressed more rapidly lately (likely because of the treatments I have administered myself) than ever before, and I have been seeing my Physio for over three years.
Thank you for making such a miraculous device.

As a competitive masters athlete, track and field, speed skating, Tae Kwon Do, I have had numerous opportunities to use the unit on not only myself but also on friends, coaches and instructors. Sports injuries that have been helped include muscular pulls and strains, joint sprains- both ankle and wrist, sciatica and low back pain, shoulder and Achilles.
As a result of sharing the benefits of this unit, several track and field athlete friends, a masseuse, a national level javelin coach, and the head of my Tae Kwon Do school have purchased the units.
I have found my unit to be an essential item of my gym bag.

After experiencing surgery for a fusion to my back my problems were lessened, but then later, reappeared, I was informed the fusion was not permanently effective. My pain was very distressing and my activities were severely restricted.I purchased the machine in the summer. I cannot tell you how pleased I am with the results of using this unit. My life is so much easier now that I can count on the Dolphin to get me through my difficult days with only minor pain.

I am writing to inform you how this device has helped me. I have been suffering with this pain since 1995. It has affected my entire life. I lost my job because I was not able to do it with so much pain. Thank you for the relief. I am very pleased it has made my life more bearable.

Two years ago, a miracle to our lives arrived with the acquisition of the Dolphin Neurostim. From headaches to toe injuries, it has proved to be amazingly effective and invaluable. This is a remarkable healing and pain dissipating alternative to drugs: without the wait for a refill or even book a therapy appointment. This is quite simply an incredible machine! We wholeheartedly recommend it and praise it's effectiveness.
This truly is the medicine of the Future!

The instructions that accompanied the device were clear and explicit and I began to use it immediately without any difficulty.
I have been using the unit to treat my discomfort in my lower back, right knee, and right hip. The results have ranged from dramatic to spectacular, and they have been immediate. I have also experienced a general feeling of well being throughout the entire organism as opposed to those specific areas I have been treating. If I have a complaint (which I don't) it is that the unit is too effective. The result is that I have been spending hours happily experimenting with this marvelous device of yours which is an absolute delight to use.

I would not be without my Dolphin Neurostim™ for any reason.

After using it twice a day for approximately 15 minutes each time, I was able to significantly reduce my morphine intake during cancer treatment.

I really appreciate the portability of the Dolphin Neurostim™ and will take it with us when we travel. I still can’t believe that such a simple looking and portable device can give me so much pain relief.