In acupuncture and trigger point therapy, the insertion of needles has been scientifically proven to stimulate the release of powerful internal opiates called endorphins – the hormones that our bodies produce to naturally relieve pain (they’re also known as our “feel good” hormones). These natural pain relievers are secreted from the pituitary gland and are circulated throughout your body via your blood stream. Not only are these endorphins, or neurotransmitters, the most powerful pain relievers known to mankind, they enhance the immune system, reduce stress, and produce a feeling of euphoria – any runner who has experienced a “runner’s high” will be able to attest to this!
In acupuncture, when needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points they stimulate peripheral nerves, sending messages to our brain telling it to release endorphins. When these endorphins are released, they then block pain pathways to the brain. Low frequency microcurrent has been documented in scientific studies as being able to reproduce the endorphin release response found in traditional acupuncture needling. The Dolphin Neurostim was designed to duplicate the effects of acupuncture needling, but instead of needles, it uses this non-invasive low frequency microcurrent stimulation.
Duplicating the endorphin releasing effects of acupuncture has been made simpler and safer with the Dolphin Neurostim. The Dolphin comes with a easy to use manual that outlines a wide range of conditions and their accompanying treatment points for easy location. Furthermore, the Dolphin was built with the ability to help you find precise treatment points – you don’t have to guess at all. Many people who use the Dolphin find they feel relief through endorphin release in a single session with the Dolphin, making it quicker, cheaper, and more effective than most options on the market.
Great background articles, I a looking forward to trying this product to help with past athletic injuries!
Outstanding Info! Your website is extremely informative!
This exactly what I think this product can help me with! I have a past injury in my knee and I feel pain and sometimes numbness. Could this be caused from a lack of circulation?
This would great for my wife! She had a c-section when she had our second child.
I love using the dolphins. It’s fun easy to use and the results are amazing. I like treating scars. It’s amazing how much resistance they have on the body. I treated a lady who had a Scar in her arm pit and it was causing lost of ROM after treatment she was able to have full ROM
I had three c-sections in the last 8 years. I’ve been struggling with terrible pain in my lower back for the past six months. I’ve tried with exercises, but nothing seemed to help. Then I’ve heard of Dolphin Neurostrim. At first I was a bit skeptical, but then I had nothing to lose. I’ve bought your device and my hubby treated the area around my scar with it. I felt the immediate change an hour later, and today I don’t feel any pain at all!
I often have a neck pain, and my head hurts and it feels like it’s too heavy for my neck. When my physiotherapist massages my neck, I feel how tense it is, even when I’m relaxed. I believe it’s all because of the bad circulation. After the massage, I feel good for some time, but then I’m back to the tension and it really hurts sometimes. I’ll definitely try Dolphin and let you know what are my results like.
As first, thank you for the detailed articles about everything. It’s so easy to realize what’s the problem you have after reading these articles. I had terrible migraines and circulation problems for the past 10 years. I’ve been reducing their frequency through stress relief and massages, but they never really stopped. Then I heard about the Dolphin. I’ve had three therapies until now, and I feel perfect. I think this will last and I suggest everyone try it, as it makes wonders!
I have terrible pain in the neck which spreads to the shoulders and the skull base. When I move the neck it makes the pain even worse. The pain tends to come and go with flare-ups from time to time. I suppose it’s all because of the nervous system, but I’d like to have myself checked at your center.
As an athlete, my muscles are pretty often tense and I need massages. This is tiring and very often it can be very expensive. I’ve heard about Dolphin Neurostrim some time ago, and I decided to try it. I feel great, as my muscles are not that tense anymore. When they are, I use my Dolphin device at home, and very often on my own. I saved a lot of money and I don’t waste my time going from one place to another!
I’ve tried acupuncture a couple of times and I felt better after them, but I like The Dolphin Neurostrim better, as it’s non-invasive and I can use it on my own. It’s simpler and much easier. I save money and my time, as well. I believe it’s the most effective product of a kind in the market!
As you said in the text, I believe most of our body problems come from the problems with our nerve system. Besides frequent neck pain, I have pain which spreads down to my arms, hands and fingers. I suppose it is caused by irritation of a nerve which goes to the arm from the spinal cord in the neck. I’m glad I found out about Dolphin Nerostrim. I’ll try using it!
I work as a coach with a girl’s handball team. We bought Dolphin Neurostrim for our therapist, as they often have thick and tense muscles, which can take them to further injuries and other problems. We use dolphin regularly, and the girls are really satisfied how it works on them. They finally manage their optimal muscle health without drugs. They won’t have muscle’s shortages and it won’t cause any chronic pain in them. I believe Dolphin is also good for those who already suffer from chronic pain!
Chronic pelvic or intercourse pain is common after a Cesarean Section, a major surgery that cuts through several layers of sensitive pelvic tissue. After six years of chronic pelvic pain,neck pain and lower back pain, and trying all possible ways of treating adhesions and the scar, I realized Dolphin Neurostrim is a world leader in treating pelvic pain with a non-surgical manual physical therapy. The pain stops immediately and you feel as if you don’t have a scar at all.
Great background text about the importance of a good circulation. I often feel as if I need a good and detailed massage around my neck area. I believe constant exposure to cold weather and windy spaces can cause lower circulation in this area of our body. It causes chronic headaches and the sick feeling. The other lower circulations which happen in the body are even more dangerous, as they cause dumbness and your body can easily infected, without even realizing it.
This text is excellent! I am not a medical doctor and in no way is this medical advice, simply my experience. I have not had any procedures, but have had a sensation of extreme sensitivity, and found that microcurrent treatment, geared to ‘nerve repair’ has been extremely helpful. I experienced relief with the Dolphin Neurostrim. I felt the immediate relief and it lasts for couple of months now. I hope this information is helpful to you reading these comments!
Many patients seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or function following an injury or if experiencing ongoing back, shoulder, hip, or virtually pain in any area containing soft tissue. I have the great experience using Dolphin Neurostrim with them. The results are outstanding, and they can even use it on their own at home, with no special knowledge of muscles, tissue, or acupuncture points. Highly recommend use of Dolphin, even if it’s only about sore muscles this wonderful device will help you!