Most people don’t realize it, but with C-section scars (and any abdominal scarring) there’s the scarring you see on the outside at the incision site, and the scarring you can’t see on the inside – called adhesions. While both can cause issues, adhesions are the primary culprits for much of the chronic pain and dysfunction faced by women who’ve undergone a C-section.
Surgery is the leading cause of adhesions in the body, and C-sections are the number one surgery performed in the United States, with over 1.3 million performed annually in the USA alone. Adhesions develop naturally when there is internal trauma to our bodies, such as a surgical operation. While they’re naturally occurring, they can have adverse affects on our bodies by connecting tissue that shouldn’t be connected, like organs – in fact, women who’ve had a C-section sometimes develop Small Bowel Obstruction, a condition where the intestinal tract is kinked and twisted by adhesions. They also connect to our fascia, the web-like structure that connects all organs and tissues in our bodies. When they connect to our fascia, they can distort it, pulling muscles and pinching nerves. This limits our ability to move freely, and heightens the sensitivity of the autonomic nervous system, which controls our pain.
Abdominal adhesions are fast becoming an epidemic in the United States. Digestive Surgery reported that 90% of patients with abdominal surgeries will develop adhesions. Every year in the United States alone, millions of abdominal surgeries are performed, such as C-sections, appendectomies, hysterectomies, and tummy tucks, and the biggest problem is that not many women are aware of the risks that adhesions pose until after they’ve gone under the knife.
How does the Dolphin Neurostim™ work?
It’s simple! The Dolphin Neurostim™ is applied to each side of visible scars, transferring gentle, DC microcurrent deep into the tissue of the skin. When the microcurrent enters our body, it helps electrically “repolarize,” or release, the thickened scar tissue, as well as release fascia and muscles impinged by the scarring. Circulation is also increased, which, in turn, helps the lymphatic system remove dead cells from the body and encourages blood flow and healing to the area. All of this helps return mobility, improve appearance, and decrease pain both at the site of the scar and anywhere else in the body that scar may be affecting. In many cases, relief can be felt with one application!
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