A wise man a long, long time ago, once said, “if you cannot be king, be the healer,” as the healer has the second greatest influence in the kingdom. Today, this old proverb seems more relevant than ever!
I LOVE my job! It is so exciting to be able to help and heal others. I never get tired of watching how MPS Therapy heals the human body.
Today, I have another remarkable story of an incredible healing witnessed at a recent Introductory MPS course. This time, it was a patient suffering from constant low back pain:
Case study: A female with pain in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar back areas for over 8 months. Her reported pain level was a constant 7/10 pain. The pain started after a motor vehicle accident where she was rear-ended at 45 miles per hour. She also reported and demonstrated decreased lumbar flexion and cervical rotation. She was a self-described “mess.”
This patient had been receiving both physical therapy and massage, while consuming prescribed muscle relaxers at home.
The simple MPS Standard Protocol was applied to her low back. This treatment started from paraspinal muscles surrounding L2 and ended at S2. Motor/trigger points in hips were also released and combined with traditional acupuncture points to further help relax muscles and tissue.
This entire treatment took 10-15 minutes, but it “changed her life!” The patient’s pain levels went from a 7/10 down to a 2/10 in just one MPS session, along with increased functional changes in her lumbar and cervical areas.
Another victory for the good guys!
As mentioned above, I LOVE my job! Which modality can almost guarantee a home run every time? My favorite … MPS!
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