Never Have I attended a more practical and informative hands on seminar. It has changed my whole perspective on how to develop my practice and will continue to recommend and attend all future courses. Not often does one come across a company that shares values that embody the true spirit of traditional oriental medicine where the goal is to make the patient better and cause no harm. It has been said that in past times "the physician get paid when the patient gets better" and with Accumed's MPS program that certainly resonates. Dr. Antoine Chevalier was truly an masterful teacher that not only motivates his students but inspires them to achieve a higher standard. Truly a wonderful man!
Never Have I attended a more practical and informative hands on seminar. It has changed my whole perspective on how to develop me practice and will continue to recommend and attend all future courses. Not often does one come across a company that shares values that embody the true spirit of traditional oriental medicine where the goal is to make the patient better and cause no harm. It has been said that in past times “the physician gets paid when the patient gets better” and with Accumed’s MPS program that certainly resonates. Dr. Antoine Chevalier was truly an masterful teacher that not only motivates his students but inspires them to achieve a higher standard. Truly a wonderful man!
Never Have I attended a more practical and informative hands on seminar. It has changed my whole perspective on how to develop me practice and will continue to recommend and attend all future courses. Not often does one come across a company that shares values that embody the true spirit of traditional oriental medicine where the goal is to make the patient better and cause no harm. It has been said that in past times “the physician gets paid when the patient gets better” and with Accumed’s MPS program that certainly resonates. Dr. Antoine Chevalier was truly an masterful teacher that not only motivates his students but inspires them to achieve a higher standard. Truly a wonderful man!