A 60 year-old male Vietnamese veteran suffered from bursitis in the left shoulder for more than two years. Desperate for help, he had tried chiropractic, physical therapy, trigger-point injections, acupuncture and traditional massage with little or no outcomes -- and in many cases, the pain was worse. He described the pain level as 9.5 out of 10 - which is significant for someone who refuses anesthesia during dental procedures. Given the patient's difficult disposition and tough constitution, the therapist decided on an unconventional approach. He asked if the patient had any visible scars on his body. The client indicated he had several scars, one over his left eye, the result of a childhood injuries. The other two scars were also located in the mid-tibalis-anterior region of the shin on both legs, a result of battlefield injuries. The therapist released all three scars with Dolphin Neurostim and then finished the session using acupuncture to target emotions. The client's pain level immediately dropped from a 9.5 to 0. Three years later, the pain had not returned.
A 60 year-old male Vietnamese veteran suffered from bursitis in the left shoulder for more than two years. Desperate for help, he had tried chiropractic, physical therapy, trigger-point injections, acupuncture and traditional massage with little or no outcomes — and in many cases, the pain was worse. He described the pain level as 9.5 out of 10 – which is significant for someone who refuses anesthesia during dental procedures. Given the patient’s difficult disposition and tough constitution, the therapist decided on an unconventional approach. He asked if the patient had any visible scars on his body. The client indicated he had several scars, one over his left eye, the result of a childhood injuries. The other two scars were also located in the mid-tibalis-anterior region of the shin on both legs, a result of battlefield injuries. The therapist released all three scars with Dolphin Neurostim and then finished the session using acupuncture to target emotions. The client’s pain level immediately dropped from a 9.5 to 0. Three years later, the pain had not returned.
A 60 year-old male Vietnamese veteran suffered from bursitis in the left shoulder for more than two years. Desperate for help, he had tried chiropractic, physical therapy, trigger-point injections, acupuncture and traditional massage with little or no outcomes — and in many cases, the pain was worse. He described the pain level as 9.5 out of 10 – which is significant for someone who refuses anesthesia during dental procedures. Given the patient’s difficult disposition and tough constitution, the therapist decided on an unconventional approach. He asked if the patient had any visible scars on his body. The client indicated he had several scars, one over his left eye, the result of a childhood injuries. The other two scars were also located in the mid-tibalis-anterior region of the shin on both legs, a result of battlefield injuries. The therapist released all three scars with Dolphin Neurostim and then finished the session using acupuncture to target emotions. The client’s pain level immediately dropped from a 9.5 to 0. Three years later, the pain had not returned.